I lived in Northern Wisconsin for a better part of my childhood and grew up on Lake Superior, one of the Great Lakes. There are many things I can share with you about living on such a beautiful lake; the beauty of a storm watched as it comes towards you across the lake, the fantasy of watching a huge house be driving across a completely frozen lake, and the Cold...oh the Cold! But one of my favorite things about the lake was the large ships that would look so very small for hours and then become bigger and bigger. You could never imagine something so small, smaller then a toy boat becoming this gigantic ore ship that would house many of your houses. And to a little girl they seemed all that much more gigantic.
Anyway, I was thinking about this the other night. And the huge storms that would boil up on Lake Superior. Super fun to watch as they come whipping across the lake at you, and you know you are safe and sound inside your house watching them. The rain, the winds, the thunder and lightening all very fascinating from a safe location. But on a ship, even a big ship, in the middle of the lake, I imagine that the storms look mighty different.
We all come across storms in our lives. Sometimes the storms are short, quick, carry very little punch and little to no noise. Other storms seem to last forever, are ferocious in their tenacity. The wind whips around us, the waves crash one after another, the thunder booms so loud that we are unable to hear ourselves think.
It is what you do during each of these types of storms that shows your true spiritual state (don't worry, we all need to grow and learn. And we can all change and be better!) I think we have two choices when faced with the storms of life. We either grasp on to the life line, an anchor that holds us to the very bedrock....or we look for a lighthouse. Both provide safety and security, but one is used after the storm has already started, while the other is put into place long before the storm came along. God can be our beacon in the midst of the storm, shinning a light into the darkness. Something for us to follow to safety. But He can, and I believe much rather would be, our anchor. See when He is our anchor, the storms that come up don't sway us, they don't send us of course or crash us into the dangerous rocks. We are held firm in our beliefs, and in the One who holds our beliefs. Our anchor holds strong!
Are you trying to get through life looking for the next lighthouse to keep you from crashing into the rocks? Ready for a change and to find your anchor? It's easy! Get into the word daily! Learn what God has to say about you and what He has to say about Himself. Learn who He is, and what He has already done for you. The anchor builds from there!
I have no special skills or accreditation's, just the Word of God and the Holy Spirit living in me. I pray the words here will challenge all to dialogue, learn and grow in our relationship with Jesus. This is NOT about religion, rather it is about RELATIONSHIP. I welcome comments, challenges, and questions.
I have no special skills or accreditation's, just the Word of God and the Holy Spirit living in me. I pray the words here will challenge all to dialogue, learn and grow in our relationship with Jesus. This is NOT about religion, rather it is about RELATIONSHIP. I welcome comments, challenges, and questions.